Tuesday 25 April 2017

EVALUATION QUESTION 4: (Vince Santillan)

Who will be the target audience for my media product?

Target audience: Gender and age
  • The protagonist in my media product is a female teenager, who is the daughter of the detective. The target audience can relate to her as she is of similar age. This means they can empathize with the character who as she does same activities as them such as go to parties and dressing the way they do.
  • Additionally, since the daughter gets kidnapped, parents can relate to the detectives feelings of doing anything to save the child. This will expand our target audience to parents as well as people aged 15-21.
  • Our thriller will target both genders as they are both shown throughout our opening. However, the characters we portray in the opening follow the stereotypes of genders as a result, this might irritate a extreme feminist target audience since there is a typical "damsel in distress" situation
  • Both male and females would enjoy this because it contains action, mystery and thrill within the film.
Other Possible Target audiences 
  •  Another possible target audience would be parents. As i mentioned earlier, the daughter of the protagonist gets kidnapped, among parents, everyone can relate to the fear of their children being hurt or kidnapped. This means they can empathize with the protagonist since his child is kidnapped. This is not one of the main target audiences but it is good for the thriller as it expands the audience. In addition, maybe people who watch films based on storyline as the storyline for this thriller makes people think about what is going to happen and connect the dots in order to understand.

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