Tuesday 4 April 2017


Evaluation question 4:

Who would be the audience for your media product? Include audience feedback

opening scene:

Target Audience
The target audience for our thriller opening was aged 15-23 with a genre neural. we feel to rate this film at this due to the nature of some one the blood and violence that may be harmful to the finds of young children. However we feel the the thriller will not be seen by a lot of people over the age of 23 as they may find it to be to cliche for an older audience.

I did a survey to show all the research results on the poster and opening of the film. In this survey i included 30 random people. i started of by showing them the thriller and asking if they would see the film or not. then i showed them the poster asking if they would see it. i made a graph to show my results.

From this i can conclude:
22 people want to see the thriller due to the poster
27 people want to see the thriller due to the opening
8 people do not want to see the thriller due to the poster
3 people do not want to see the thriller due to the poster

From this graph, i can analyse that the opening to my thriller was more popular then the poster however over 80% of the people i asked said that they would watch our whole thriller due to both the opening and poster.

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