Monday 24 April 2017

EVALUATION QUESTION 3: (Vince Santillan)

What kind of media institute might distribute your media product and why?

Distributors Role

A film distributor is responsible for the marketing of a film. The distribution company is usually different from the production company. Distribution deals are an important part of financing a film.

The distributor may set the release date of a film and the method by which a film is to be exhibited or made available for viewing; for example, directly to the public either theatrically or for home viewing. A distributor may do this directly, if the distributor owns the theaters or film distribution networks, or through theatrical exhibitors and other sub-distributors. A limited distributor may deal only with particular products, such as DVDs or Blu-ray, or may act in a particular country or market. The primary distributor will often receive credit in the film's credits, one sheet or other marketing material. 

A Real Film Comparison

We can compare our thriller to the film "Taken" (Morel, 2008). This was distributed by 20th Century Fox and Film Flex. 20th Century Fox is a major film studio whilst Film Flex is an on demand rental service provider based in the US.

The similarities of our film is:

  • Daughter is kidnapped
  • Both have a phone call scene where antagonist talks to protagonist
  • Protagonists work for the government
  • Both protagonists are chasing antagonist to save daughter

The differences of our films are:

  • Huge amount of differences in budget, Taken has big budget, our thriller had no budget whatsoever
  • More proffessional actors/staff in Taken Image result for taken

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