Thursday 6 April 2017

Evaluation Question 6: (KEILEY DUTTON)

Evaluation Question 6:

Throughout the production process we used a variety of different types of technology.
The equipment used in our production included:

  • Canon DSL 650 D
  • Tripod - Adjustable height
  • Mic
  • Lights
  • Dolly 
The software we used for our production were:
  • Adobe Premier Pro
  • Blogger
Canon DSL 650 D

  • 18 Megapixel quality on the camera allowed high definition filming and visuals
  • Main part of equipment used in the production of our thriller opening
  • We were taught and researched some techniques and setting on the camera so we were able to easily use the camera with no problems
  • The lens and manual focus allowed a great variety of camera shots and offered higher quality
  • The range of lighting it offered in the settings was very useful
  • We had to work around the battery of the camera, however, we overcame this by charging the battery whilst we were not filming
  • Some settings on the camera were confusing and complex, therefore we stuck to what we knew on the camera or we researched about what the setting did
  • The mic on the camera was quite weak, and so we seperately recorded voices and added it into the film for a higher quality voiceover, we synced the sound with the visual so it looked normal and smooth. 
In conclusion, using this camera, i learnt quite a lot about the settings and techniques of filming. For example, i learnt how to stabilaze the camera onto a tripod; enhance the lighting on the camera using settings and how to use a handheld camera to film to film in a variety on camera angle.


  • Used in pre production and post production
  • Used to edit some parts of the 
  • Used for research, photoshop, photo editing, etc.
  • The iMac auto-saved most things
  • Occasionally the Macs were slow and as a result, crashed or froze. We overcame this by waiting patiently until macs responded again or logged into another mac, also, when applications crashed, everything was saved anyway due to auto save so not much was lost

The iMac was one of the most used and most important equipment in the our project, it was used in pre and post production as well as many other times. I learnt a lot of things such as the new softwares, e.g Final Cut Pro X and Blogger, I was able to gain a lot of knowledge about using a mac in general.


  • The mic enhanced our sound quality of our filming
  • It was a professional mic
  • With the use of filters, the mic blocked out the sound of wind and background noise which improved the quality of our film
  • Easy to attach on and remove from camera
  • However, even with the use of filters, the mic did not block out all of the background sound, our group overcame this by seperately recording our dialogue to edit in during post production

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