Thursday 20 April 2017


What have you learnt about technologies form the process of constructing this product?

Throughout the production process, we used a variety of different types of technologies.

The types of hardware we used included:

- Canon DSL 650 D

- IMac

- Mic

- Lights

The software’s we used were:

- Final Cut Pro

- Adobe Premier Pro CS6

- Blogger

-PhotoShop CS6

The camera we used:

DSLR Canon D650 with an 18-55m zoom lens

The zoom lens allows to change focal points between the range of 18-55mm, this means we don’t have to move to get closer the subject which gave more control when filming. From the lens that we used, it included the option auto focus and manual focus. Auto focus detects the distance the subject is from the lens and changes the focal length automatically rather than using the focusing and zooming ring. Manual focus however is when the user has to adjust the focus of the lens by hand. Having both these setting were useful as it gave more flexibility during recording. As for the video quality of the camera, the camera is 18 megapixels this mean the video can be expanded to a certain extent (3872 x 2592) without becoming pixelated. This was a huge advantage as during editing, i was able to crop and zoom into certain clips without the video looking pixelated in the final product. Having a touchscreen on the camera made it also very flexible for the user as we were able to change the settings such as aperture, ISO, shutter speed and white balance without having to look for this in the settings options which as well would have been time consuming. This lead to filming being more time efficient


Our main issue was filming in low light areas due to the amount of noise we would find when looking back at our clips. This resulted to us re filming the shots we made at night during the day instead so that the quality would look more professional compared to a clip that is filled with noise. Another issue was battery life. The battery we used was an 1100mAh battery. This did not affect us majorly during filming however it result us taking fewer shots of the same scene as we noticed the battery life does run out quite quickly.We tried to save battery by turning off the camera when not filming scenes and when discussing what the next scene is. Finally, another issue we faced with the camera was the inbuilt mic. We did not have many issues with this due to the fact we were able to film with an external Rode boom microphone however one time during filming, the external microphone ran out of battery making us realise how bad audio the audio quality is when recording with the inbuilt mic.

What i have learnt: 
Overall I have learnt how to use different settings on the camera such as ISO to help suit from low to high lighting areas. I have also learnt how to adjust settings such as aperture to help achieve a more more shallow depth of field which also helped me achieve a more cinematic look to your scenes. After this project i am now comfortable on how to use this camera.

                                                                            Rode mic:

The mic had an adaptor which meant is could be mounted on top of the camera this made it much easier as one person can record both video and audio at the same time instead of two people doing each. This also meant audio can be captured directly from where the camera is pointing The mic also had a noise cancellation feature which meant that any unwanted ambient sound could be blocked from entering the actual mic

Despite the mic including noise cancellation which was very effective when windy and filming outside, the mic would did not manage to cancel all ambient sound. This extremely effected us when filming a conversation as it would make the audio much harder to hear. To fix this i had to use a program called denoiser which helped reduce any background noise and also recorded the dialogue again separately and placing it over the clips with dialogue. Having only short audio jack meant it was only able to be connected to the camera. This was a disadvantage as it would not be able to pick up audio when filming long shots.

What I have learnt: 
Overall i have realised how crucial sound quality is when making your opening and how using a  mic with settings such as enhanced sound helps to achieve sound quality where small things you would not think about is also recorded. These were things such as finger tapping and footsteps
                                                            IMac with IOS X
The screen monitors itself are quite big and have an ultra HD display meaning when looking back out our final product it was is much easier to detect any noise that was not visible on the camera screen. The macs had enough memory to hold all of our footage and other groups as well including all software data and other files that we used for our researching and planning. Also the mac would include a camera itself which was very useful throughout some of out blog posts. This would be when we filmed our audiences feedback on a thriller. The audio quality in the internal speakers meant we could listen to audio very clearly to make sure it was balanced. This was extremely useful in the post production stages as we could able to distinguish that the sound effects used sounded realistic enough.

When editing or doing certain tasks, it would tend to either kept crashing, freezing or lagging. This made it very difficult to multi-task with the computers not freezing. This was annoying as some of my work had to be redone. Personally it was hard for me to use a mac as im more used to using a windows computer which ended up making certain tasks more time consuming.


What i have learnt: 

Overall i have learnt how to use an apple computer which was a step up for me as i was mainly used to using windows computers. This involved in finding out many keyboard shortcuts to speed up any activities I had to do.                                                    
                                                                               Final cut pro


We were able to edit any task other than our thriller such as our interviews and our focus groups interviews. Also final cut pro would tend to auto save very often meaning no work could be lost or not saved. 
Included key concepts, such as cutting and editing a single footage and overall was fairly simple to use as it had so many shortcuts by pressing command keys


When editing and playing back your edited clips, the video would sometimes freeze and this would also happen if too many footage's or effects are added on top of each resulting to overall slowing down the editing process. C
olour grading presets included did not suit the thriller genre therefore i had to end up colour grade all clips manually using a three way colour corrector in Premier Pro CS6.

What I have learnt: 
Despite knowing how to cut clips i have learnt how to edit and use many other techniques such as transitions to help make my opening look more professional. I also learnt how to colour grade by changing the tone in shadows and highlights. Finally I learnt how to export in different settings and formats


On Blogger you are able to upload things from a variety of websites, such as YouTube, Prezi and Sound cloud by just simply copying and pasting links from the site. You were also able to change the layout and design of your blog to make it much visually clear to represent your work. Finally, Your are able to alter time and date to have an organised group navigation bar on the right hand side of your blog meaning that anyone viewing your blog would have quick and easy access to view the specific post they want to see instead of having to scroll down looking for it. This overall makes it look more organised.

Overall there is not much flexibility with design such as limited text fonts and image sizes. Image sizes are built in and can't be made the exact size you want. Also many times the images does not lay where I want them to be and are only able to be places either left, right or centre.

What I have learnt: 
I have learnt how to post my work onto blogger and organise it by date. I have also learnt how to import photos, videos and even links to present my work more visually. An example would be importing a link to show a powerboat i made on Prezzi.

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