Saturday 8 April 2017


9 Frame analysis from our thriller, these will be explained from top left (moving right)

1.police officer arresting a suspect
2.the suspect walking through the corridor from a prison
3. scene between the two protagonists speaking 
4. Production logo 'Perspective Entertainment'
5. Protagonist being kidnapped
6. protagonist laying unconscious in the car boot with phone calling 'DAD'
7. the antagonist we have seen previously picking up the phone
8.antagonist looking down on the protagonist
9. Title 'The Last Call' Revealing itself in an effect of glitch on a black background            

In This Podcast i explain in depth the scenes above and mention thriller conventions which our thriller has covered.                                                                     

Editing: Glitch logo & title

These animations are what we have chosen to use which ive mentioned in the Video above ^^^^^^

Thrillers That influenced our work:

This screenshot is of the film 'Taken(Morel,2008) and its where we got an inspiration for our title placement which is near the end of the thriller opening to create a buildup to the name. Additionally the colour of font which stands out from the dark coloured background.

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