Sunday 9 April 2017


How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Character 1:(Protagonist)
->Female teen who lives life to the fullest, goes out to meet with friends often, is popular and gets invited to parties, we have chosen her because its more likely for females to be captured/ kidnapped and approached by men.

->We had chosen her as the narrative would have made more sense with a female being kidnapped than men due to females being more vulnerable additionally shes going to a party and boys normally are tall which make them look fearless when walking in the dark than females who look vulnerable especially in a dress which can attract some men to go towards her which may scare the protagonist.

->Shes the daughter of a detective so she knows that if anything happens shes safe as her dad can go find her in case anything happens, shes also 17 so shes old enough to go parties which just fit our narrative of walking at night to go somewhere.

We have based her character on a character from 'Pretty little liars' Hannah Marin

Thriller opening 'The Last Call'Pretty Little Liars - Alison 5x01 part 2We had focused on having our character similar to this one from 'Pretty little liars' they both have freedom and are the more rebellious type that goes out at night and isnt scared of much and they are stalked which create enigma. 

This is a snippet of a scene in 'Pretty little liars' where the character is being stalked which is where we got our inspiration from, someone in the shadows creeping but in our thriller we have the person actually kidnapping instead of frightening

Thriller opening 'The Last Call'

We have included a similar scene where our protagonist  is being captured and attacked rather than followed this change brings suspense and enigma into our thriller as it creates tension and action which is key with thriller films.

Similarities and differences in our character and theirs:

Character 2: (Protagonist)
->Father of the protagonist who is a Detective, deals with life threatening cases and deals with criminals, rapists and serial killers.
-> 35-40 years old is a single parent but has a daughter, he works till late which means his daughter is home alone most of the time and can sneak out due to him not being there. 
-> He has finished a Case but something bugs him about the case he has a feeling something will happen so he reviews the files to see if he missed something out.
-> He works for the government and is good with technology which allows him to find and track people

We have based our Detectives character on a detective in a TV show called 'Prison break' the characters name is 'Agent Mahone' 

Both characters are in smart attire and are focused on their job.

Alex Mahone (William Fichtner) - Prison Break
The Last Call- Rough copy of thriller
We have tried to replicate his office and include it in our thriller, additionally the behaviour of the detective is the same in ours as the one in 'prison break'
This detective is intelligent,and tactical he thinks one step ahead of others and knows how the criminals will act due to him studying his cases so he knows how they will react and act.

Similarities and Differences of the two detectives:

Character 3: Police officer

This is from a film called 'The bone collector'(1999) this is a police officer we have based our thriller on a strong independent police officer who is not scared to pull the trigger. 
->One of the beginning scenes consist of  a police woman arresting a man. This moves away from stereotypical police scenes where men are in charge running at the man or using violence/guns.

->Major arrest scenes have men who forcefully try to arrest a man however our choice of character was a woman who still has the strength of the man and has the power to arrest him without any assistance of other police men. 

->We challenge the gender stereotype that women are weak and scared to do manly jobs or that they are too gentile to do them, which is not the case as in our scene we  have the police woman arresting the man by herself this shows how women are the same as men as they can do the same jobs as men can.

Anna GajdaThe Last Call- Rough copy of thriller

->This is a scene that we tried to film in our thriller where the person is being arrested and put on the front of the hood of the car

Similarities and Differences between 'The bone collectors' characters and our thrillers

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