Sunday 23 April 2017

EVALUATION QUESTION 2: (Vince Santillan)

Image result for kim mills takenHow does your media product represent particular social groups?

Comparison between the female protagonist and another female protagonist:
The female protagonist in my thriller reminds me of the daughter of the protagonist in the movie "Taken" (2008). 
Here are some similarities and differences between the two:

  • Both are the same gender - as well as the same role
  • They are both main characters within their films 
  • Both have similar teenage costumes

  •  Kim from Taken is visibly older than Keiley 
  •  Keiley is from the UK whilst Kim is from the US

Comparison between the male protagonist and another male protagonist:
Image result for dignam the departedThe detective in my thriller reminds me of the detective in "The Departed" (2006, Scorsese), Dignam played by Mark Wahlberg.
Here are some similarties and differences between the two:

  • Both into their job 
  • Want to find the root of the problem
  • Both white males
  • Similar detective costumes 
  • Dignam is older than the detective in my thriller
  • Dignam has a different attitude compared to the detective in my thriller

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