Sunday 2 April 2017


Evaluation question 3:How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Opening scene:

Comparison between my victim and a real victim:
My victim reminds me of the victim in the movie Taken (2008) about a retired CIA agent travels across Europe and relies on his old skills to save his estranged daughter, who has been kidnapped while on a trip to Paris. 

In "Taken" the victim in this is called Kim. 

Image result for taken 2 kim

In my thriller the victim is called Keiley

  • They are both around the same age of 17 
  • They both have fathers with some training from the forces with Kims father being from the CIA and Keiley's father being a detective. 
  • They both get kidnapped due to something there father has done that upset a gang member causing them to want revenge.  
  • They both want the same thing trough out the film, to get home safe and away from the kidnapper
  • they are both persuasived to be modern day teenagers 
  • The dialogue within the film for each character is different as in Taken Kim has scenes of her alone and her with the kidnapper as in my thriller Keiley is not seen as much and says very few words. 
  • They both have different ethnisities as Kim is from america but Keiley is from Philippines and Jamaica 
  • they both are in different places as Kin is in America but keiley is in England. 

Comparison between my detective and a real detective:
My detective reminds me of the detective in the television series Hawaii five-0 which is about detectives who solve crime in Hawaii . Sometimes involving their family relations getting hurt or taken due to the people they are associated with in their job. This is the same as my detective as they both have their daughters kidnapped and hurt due to the nature of their everyday work.

In "hawaii five-0" the detectives name is Danny

In my thriller opening, the detectives name is Anderson

  • They are both around the same age of 33
  • They are both detectives
  • They both have daughters who get kidnapped due to something there father has done that upset a gang member causing them to want revenge.  
  • They both will do anything to get their daughter back. 
  • they are both persuasived to be modern day detectives 
  • The dialogue within the film for each character is different as in Hawaii five-0 There are there characters that help Danny to get his daughter back for example, Steve and Kono. However in the thriller, our detective works alone due to him not wanting to get anyone else involved. 
  • They both have different ethnisities as Anderson is from England and Danny is from the USA however are the same colour. 
  • They both are set in different places with different setting as Hawaii five-0 have more sun and beaches and some set in the water, however in my thriller there is all roads and parks with a lot of rain and storms forshadowing what will happen next in the thriller.  

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