Wednesday 12 April 2017


sHow did you attract/ Address your audience?

Distribution is the 'invisible art' yet the most important in industry, its what gets the product to customers and intrigues them enough to watch and buy a ticket to watch the thriller. The distributors can do this by creating a poster, radio advertisements ,TV advertisement, billboards, ads on apps and ad shells which will target large audiences and inform them about the film.

Summarise Target audience:
The target audience we aim our thriller 'The Last Call' at is ages 15-24 which consists of the young demographics who are digital natives. We decided to chose such age range due to our research on thrillers and the research had shown that teens and young adults watch thriller films this is due to them wanting to experience thrill, fear and maybe enjoy films which require the brain to work hard. The excitement and build up is what that age group wants to experience they want to feel emotions which they wouldn't experience in everyday life. Which is why we had focused on such age group as our thriller is a psychological thriller which will take our audience in a journey of adrenaline due to the quick cuts, constant action and mystery.

What aspects of film opening will appeal to our target audience?
Story line:
 We will be able to attract our audience through our exhilarating story line and its clues within the film. Our protagonist who is a teenage girl will attract the teen age group 15-20 as they will be able to relate to the character as they were once teens/ still are. They will be able to relate to the experiences of the protagonist of her going to parties, caring about body image and spending time with friends, such character will intrigue teens to a story line which could happen to them in real life e.g get followed by a random person. We have
characters who will appeal to the 20-24 year olds of our target audience though having a detective character who is mature and has a busy life which will allow the audience to relate to him as they know the stress of work and how you can overdo it sometimes.

Our story line has a pace which increases to a plot twist which will keep the audience interested due to the action  such as the suspect being captured and arrested to the girl being kidnapped and put into the back boot of the car. Such scenes will make the audience think why has this happened and will make them want to find out where she is going.

Additionally the use of technology such as mobile phone 'iPhone' will allow the audience to relate to the character as they will have the same/ phone on them which will intrigue them to watch as they are good in technology so they would watch a film with has technology incorporated in them. our film is based on questions and clues which will attract our audience as teens like solving and finding clues they like being in control which is why we think our film will appeal to them.

Our thriller has generic conventions of thriller films which we have implemented in our thriller opening, we include kidnapping of the girl which the prisoner doesn't reveal why he kidnapped her, prison scenes and prisoner which gives mystery as we don't know why hes in prison, Detective who's looking back at the case file such scene builds suspense because maybe hes involved in the investigation. Such Mystery and plot gives the audience an effect that thrillers give, such as fast paced scenes, settings (prison, police car, office,roads), clues embedded in film, action and mystery which our thriller consists of.

What aspects of film title and opening would appeal to target audience?

Thriller opening Title revealed in a Glitch animation

Who are Audience is asked to relate to?

Our thriller allows the audience to relate to the protagonist which is a teenage girl, who has been kidnapped, we chose this character as we wanted to audience to feel what shes feeling, we aimed to portray the emotions which shes showing to the audience. We focused on her fear, stress and panic which she has shown, we wanted to make the audience scared and worried about whats going to happen to her and why shes in such situation, we wanted the audience to see what shes seeing as such issue of kidnapping could happen to the audience in real life and this film shows the aspects of it such as the uncertainty where she is going, who has taken her, will she live and what they will do to her. Which is why we have a first person on the girl being kidnapped to show the audience the kidnapper which stays with the conventions of thrillers as the audience knows something that the characters don't which is the face of the kidnapper. by having our audience to relate to this character we wanted to create an effect of the audience being in fear and panic, we wanted to simulate what could happen in real life and see their reactions on how they would cope which covers the conventions of thriller as we had put our audience at unease as they would be worried about what would happen to such character.

How will the audience be drawn to our film?
 Through our distribution the audience will be drawn to our film. Our distribution will be on posters and billboards. We have chosen such method of distribution because our Target market/ Audience are 15-24 year old meaning that they will more likely see the poster if it was placed on ad shells and busses as teens don't have cars yet meaning that when they wait at the bus stop they will see the poster and release date and will probably search up the film to see what its about.

To target our upper scale of age group we target we have chosen to advertise on billboards because most 20-24yearolds have cars and do drive long distances to go to university so we have thought to have the poster placed when they travel so that they will be able to see it and search it up as they may not be as involved in social media as our younger age group

We will also have a Twitter page this will consist of updates on dates, trailer release dates and platform release dates which will allow the audience to get full information about the film. Twitter is a widely used app which teens use nowadays which is why we have chosen such platform to communicate with our audience we have chosen it as when our audience sees our poster they will be able to search up the film title and this twitter page would show up with updates and information about it.

On Websites will will try to promote ourselves, we will have advertisements on the side of pages for teens to click on and watch, we will have these advertisements on pages such as Facebook, Twitter and even online news sites to target our 24 yearolds. such sidebar advertisement will be constantly seen as our target audience are digital natives meaning they will be constantly on their phone so they will be constantly seeing our poster which will link to our twitter page which will have all the information on it

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