Saturday 22 April 2017

EVALUATION QUESTION 1: (Vince Santillan)

9 Frame Analysis:

1. Folder with title 'Case closed
2. Police officer arresting a suspect
3. Suspect walking through the corridor from a prison
4. Production logo 'Perspective Entertainment'
5. Protagonist leaving her home
6. Long shot of protagonist walking
7. Protagonist being kidnapped
8. Antagonist looking down on the protagonist
9. Title 'The Last Call' Revealed through a glitch effect on a dark blue background

In the beginning, the use of props has a big part in it. We are introduced with the use of a prop, the "CASE CLOSED" folder. Here, the protagonist, who is a detective, takes the folder from his shelf, the folder gives some insight to the audience as to who he is and what he does for a living. However, further in the film, the protagonist's occupation and situation will become more obvious. Seeing detectives in thriller films are quite stereotypical as it reveals that there is a mystery which will be solved, hence the link to detectives.

In the second frame we introduce the antagonist through the use of a flashback where he is arrested. The use of the flashback does a good job of introducing whilst not ruining the whole story of the film. Additionally, it makes the audience want to know more about how the antagonist got out of penitentiary and this interests the audience. Throughout the scene we see, through the use of unique camera shots, angles and movement, how the police officer has more power than the antagonsit as he is being pressured on the car and being put in handcuffs. The use of costume in the scene helps make the policewoman and antagonist more believeable as it looks more real. However, a gender stereotype is broken as there is a policewoman overpowering a male, this is not common in films as it doesnt follow the "men more powerful than women" stereotype. Her role as the policewoman helps appeal to more female audiences.

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