Wednesday 8 February 2017

Planning: Individual ideas Mini Pitch (Anderson)

For this, I am going to talk about my initial idea which I would hope to implement into our actual thriller
  • The title that I have chosen to name my thriller would be called ‘Note taking’ and this title would link quite nicely towards the story line of the thriller if you was to watch it
  • This thriller would be a mix of both an action and psychological thriller to engage a larger target audience


The opening of my thriller would start off with the protagonist waiting to be told where to pick up a package containing money where a massive business deal is about to go down. However once the package is left for him to collect, a stranger manages to walk by and notice it which then he takes for himself. This stranger however happens to be the antagonist of the film and would later be known for his skill and always being one step ahead. The antagonist then leaves a note with text clearly written ‘my bad’ which then later when the protagonist comes to find the package, he finds the notes instead. Straight after the protagonist reads the notes he looks around to only realize that down the road is the man holding his package trying to escape. He begins to follow him until he turns a corner with a dead end however  surprisingly the antagonist is not there expect again another note saying, better luck next time. After this the title ‘note taking’ takes place and then continues to the next scene.

Four areas
Mise en scene:
  • Here I would use props such as a work case and notes of paper
  • Costume: Protagonist wears smart clothing such as such to show he works in business
  • Antagonist wears everyday clothing to disguise him as a normal pedestrian 

Camera shots angles and movement:
  • I would use camera shots from areas you would not expect the protagonist to see such as filming behind a tree or through a window to give the feel of someone stalking him or watching him
  • equipment such as a dolly would be used to create more smoother shots

  • I would use music that helps build suspense and links to the genre of a thriller
  • I would use both digetic and non digetic sounds to improve the sound quality 

  • It would contain continuity editing 
  • It would contain match on action
  • i would colour grade the scenes with a blue tint to add mystery 

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