Tuesday 14 February 2017

Planning: Audience Feedback on Concept: How feedback shapes concept (Groupwork)

Audience Feedback:
The audience asked how are we going to show the "Backboot shutting?"
we responded by saying that we will make the main character hold & record with the camera inside the back boot of car to create a first person shot (POV) to show the boot closing and which causes the lighting to be dark which then we can present out title "The last call"

Another question asked was "how does the title link with our concept". we end our scene on a cliff hanger which is the father calling the daughter saying 'you left your keys ill leave them under the-' and that's the last call the girl hears from her dad until he finds her as she has been kidnapped. its also a last call the detective will get as the kidnapper throws her phone and it breaks then they drive away.

we have been asked "you mentioned a car what colour car do you have and will use?" we as a group have parents who had different coloured cars we have a Red, white, navy and black car we also asked our teacher for permission to use her car for one of the scenes and her car is white and small which will suit the scene. We will most likely chose Navy or black because it creates mystery and its harder to spot in the dark which is when we film our scene of kidnapping which makes it more realistic.

We had a comment asking "what font will we use for the reveal of title and what colour". we were going to use red font with an animation of blood dripping of it but based on the feedback we chose not to do so as it would make it look more like a horror rather than a thriller. We will chose most likely a Standard font which is bald and pure white in colour. We chose this because the white stands out from the background of the black which is on the ending scene. The font is yet to choose from, we might choose the font when we have the film created as then we can see if the colour contrast works and if the font works with the scenes. Additionally we will make the tile reveal itself but then it will fade creating an effect of mystery and it symbolises hope being swept away or the chances of finding the girl is minimal, but the white font symbolises purity and hope, creating a contrast and enigma.

Another question asked was "with the process of filming what is your budget" our budget is roughly £25 which will be spent on clothes and props such as a police outfit, Prisoners outfit and a police siren that are needed to create realism for the opening.

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