Tuesday 7 February 2017

Research: Health & Safety (Groupwork)

Health and Safety:
We need to make sure that the camera is full placed on the tripod when using it so that it does not fall of and break. we shall make sure before picking up the tripod that we double check that the camera is safe and secure.

Filming at night & in the dark:
Secondly when filming at night we need to make sure we will be safe and that are equipment is too. we could be at risk of getting our stuff stolen. To prevent this we shall make sure our group sticks together and too make sure the surrounding area is safe to use.

When we record at night we have to make sure that we have time for breaks, for food and drink and we should make sure that we are not tired so that we don't loose concentration and focus which could make us make mistakes.

Use of Props:
When using the car we need to make sure that there is a clear road and that no one can get hit by it while driving. If an accident like this does occur we should call an ambulance immediately.

We need to make sure whatever props we use that we use them properly and not break anything if we do.
Electrical equipment:
We need to make sure that whatever lighting we use that it is not at risk of being near water as the mixture of both could cause a hazard also to make sure that we use plugs which are secure and not got any electrical issues.

When using filming equipment such as lights and camera we need to ensure to keep the cables tucked away and make that our characters are aware of where the wires are so that no one trips over them and hurts themselves

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