Wednesday 8 February 2017

Research:Titles and Credits: ideas comparing to thriller openings (Extra research)

Thriller opening and their use of credits and fonts:

Now you See Me (Opening credits)
  • This opening scene is unique in the fact that only the distributors are shown and no credits so that we can find out the characters out for yourself instead of being introduced.
  • We are however introduced to Summit Entertainment and K/O Paper Products who are the production companies 
  • Later on the opening, It does mention the location and the day of the week which is Chicago and Monday

Shutter Island (Opening credits)

  • The sequence begins with bold red credits which help create visual tension
  • Colour of the text is kept minimal in order to build suspense due to surroundings how dark it is. Only colour on screen is red text showing actors names. The use of blood and its colour helps to suggest a thriller genre
  • The title then appears like it is veering towards the audience, which adds to the visual tension 
  • The use of big bold red letters help the text to stand out which also brings the audiences attention
 The Sixth Sense (Opening credits)

  • In the very beginning both Hollywood Pictures and Spyglass Entertainment who are the production companies are shown
  • Titles and credits as shown straight after showing who else where involved in the film such as who edited the film (), who produced the film, who was involved in the recording during the film and many other important people such as the cas
  • When these titles are shown, they fade in and fade out in front of a dark background which add the visual effect element.
Overall conclusion

Overall from all these thriller opening the similarities that are shown are that the production company and their logo must be shown so that an audience is aware on who made the film. Even though not all of these openings have credits, two out of the three do include credits and this is important to tell an audience straight away who is involved in the film whether its the actors or the person involved in filming or editing. From these opening credits shown, I will now also include a production name, logo and credits to the beginning of my thriller

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