Monday 20 February 2017

Planning: Title and Credits: Font ideas & Audience Feedback (Groupwork)

Font ideas and Feedback from peers:
we had gone and asked peers about These possible fonts and we have gotten feedback on them if they like it or not. such Audience resoponse can help us understand what will create the most effective thriller so if the audience which are our target audience Ages15-18 say one is more effective than another we should take that into consideration for when we edit our film.
 Audience Feedback: 9/10 People rated this the highest among the fonts. They said that it had a unique and creative font, also it matched the genre of the film. Additionally ,the dirtiness of the font gave an emphasis on the plot of the film.
Audience Feedback: 4/10 People reviewed the font and said that the type of font does not match the thriller genre of the film. As a result it was only given a rating of 4 making it the 2nd lowest out of all the fonts.
 Audience Feedback: 7/10 People reviewed this font to be similar to font Number One, however, they thought that dirtier font was better as the font, as well as the other font had a better design within the font.
 Audience Feedback: 2/10 People reviewed this font the lowest among the fonts. People found it to be too irrelevant to the genre, this font represented more of a horror genre instead of the film's thriller genre. As a result, it was only rated 2/10.
Audience Feedback: 5/10 People rated this font and said that the type doesn't match the genre of the film that much, however, it is possible to use it. Additionally, the font design is less unique than the others as it is similar to other fonts.

We thought of including 7 Credits which will be placed and embedded into our film opening. 
1.Produced by KVA productions and then our Logo will show itself
2.Distributed by 'Perspective Entertainment' which is out distributor
3.Directed by Anna G
4. Keiley Dutton
5.Anderson Speck Randam
6. Vince Santillan
7. 'The Last Call' which is revealed last to show suspense

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