Tuesday 21 February 2017

Planning: Soundtrack: Ideas and Audience Feedback (Groupwork)

After watching many thrillers, I came to understand that the music is very important to help an audience understand what genre the film is. For example if the music is very happy happy, it can suggest that the film could be a comedy however these types of songs we would want to avoid as it can be very misleading. As we want the music to link to the genre of thriller, we need dramatic music that can help build suspense or tension. We do also have to be careful that we don't go for something too scary as it could mislead people to think that our thriller is perhaps a horror instead.

When choosing examples of thriller i went on this website 


Despite this being very usefull, this was only for the purpose of getting an idea and help inspire me to get a sense of what music used for thrillers are the most effective. None of the songs here could be used as these are copyighted if not bought therefore i had to find somewhere else to find copyrighted free music

Here are some examples of some music we could use for our thrillers

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