Sunday 19 February 2017

Technical: Sound, use of mics (Groupwork)

Our experiment with sound:
Here in this clip, we experimented with sound showing the difference between recording with and without a mic. We demonstrated this indoors and outdoors with the mic on and off. We also used the enhanced sound setting on the mic.

From this we have learnt that the mic with the muffler(dead Cat) is a key element to filming as it makes the sound clearer and removes any background noise such as plane or rain which makes the film focus on the narrative and what is happening.

The mic amplifies and make the sound clearer creating less chaos when sound is used as there is only one sound present which then the audience can focus on.

The enhanced sound created more louder footsteps, dialogue and reduced any background noise.

These skills which we have learnt are essential as we will record outside and now we have learnt that with the mic & muffler we can reduce the sound of wind, rain and planes.

Introduction to FOLEY:
Foley is the reproduction of everyday sound effects that are added to film, video, and other media in post-production to enhance audio quality. These reproduced sounds can be anything from the swishing of clothing and footsteps to squeaky doors and breaking glass.
Foley Artist can replace original sound completely or augment existing sounds to create a richer track.

Video example of Foleys technique with the film beside it .
Foleys technique is important in filming because it allows the sounds to be amplified and louder creating more realism and clear sounds. The sounds are replicated to become clearer, the sounds don't have to be the same prop for example water enhancement can be used to create water effects or even a damp cloth can create an effect of clothes being wet.

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