Tuesday 21 February 2017

Planning: Soundtrack: Ideas and Audience Feedback (Groupwork)

After watching many thrillers, I came to understand that the music is very important to help an audience understand what genre the film is. For example if the music is very happy happy, it can suggest that the film could be a comedy however these types of songs we would want to avoid as it can be very misleading. As we want the music to link to the genre of thriller, we need dramatic music that can help build suspense or tension. We do also have to be careful that we don't go for something too scary as it could mislead people to think that our thriller is perhaps a horror instead.

When choosing examples of thriller i went on this website 


Despite this being very usefull, this was only for the purpose of getting an idea and help inspire me to get a sense of what music used for thrillers are the most effective. None of the songs here could be used as these are copyighted if not bought therefore i had to find somewhere else to find copyrighted free music

Here are some examples of some music we could use for our thrillers

Monday 20 February 2017

Planning: Title and Credits: Font ideas & Audience Feedback (Groupwork)

Font ideas and Feedback from peers:
we had gone and asked peers about These possible fonts and we have gotten feedback on them if they like it or not. such Audience resoponse can help us understand what will create the most effective thriller so if the audience which are our target audience Ages15-18 say one is more effective than another we should take that into consideration for when we edit our film.
 Audience Feedback: 9/10 People rated this the highest among the fonts. They said that it had a unique and creative font, also it matched the genre of the film. Additionally ,the dirtiness of the font gave an emphasis on the plot of the film.
Audience Feedback: 4/10 People reviewed the font and said that the type of font does not match the thriller genre of the film. As a result it was only given a rating of 4 making it the 2nd lowest out of all the fonts.
 Audience Feedback: 7/10 People reviewed this font to be similar to font Number One, however, they thought that dirtier font was better as the font, as well as the other font had a better design within the font.
 Audience Feedback: 2/10 People reviewed this font the lowest among the fonts. People found it to be too irrelevant to the genre, this font represented more of a horror genre instead of the film's thriller genre. As a result, it was only rated 2/10.
Audience Feedback: 5/10 People rated this font and said that the type doesn't match the genre of the film that much, however, it is possible to use it. Additionally, the font design is less unique than the others as it is similar to other fonts.

We thought of including 7 Credits which will be placed and embedded into our film opening. 
1.Produced by KVA productions and then our Logo will show itself
2.Distributed by 'Perspective Entertainment' which is out distributor
3.Directed by Anna G
4. Keiley Dutton
5.Anderson Speck Randam
6. Vince Santillan
7. 'The Last Call' which is revealed last to show suspense

Sunday 19 February 2017

Technical: Sound, use of mics (Groupwork)

Our experiment with sound:
Here in this clip, we experimented with sound showing the difference between recording with and without a mic. We demonstrated this indoors and outdoors with the mic on and off. We also used the enhanced sound setting on the mic.

From this we have learnt that the mic with the muffler(dead Cat) is a key element to filming as it makes the sound clearer and removes any background noise such as plane or rain which makes the film focus on the narrative and what is happening.

The mic amplifies and make the sound clearer creating less chaos when sound is used as there is only one sound present which then the audience can focus on.

The enhanced sound created more louder footsteps, dialogue and reduced any background noise.

These skills which we have learnt are essential as we will record outside and now we have learnt that with the mic & muffler we can reduce the sound of wind, rain and planes.

Introduction to FOLEY:
Foley is the reproduction of everyday sound effects that are added to film, video, and other media in post-production to enhance audio quality. These reproduced sounds can be anything from the swishing of clothing and footsteps to squeaky doors and breaking glass.
Foley Artist can replace original sound completely or augment existing sounds to create a richer track.

Video example of Foleys technique with the film beside it .
Foleys technique is important in filming because it allows the sounds to be amplified and louder creating more realism and clear sounds. The sounds are replicated to become clearer, the sounds don't have to be the same prop for example water enhancement can be used to create water effects or even a damp cloth can create an effect of clothes being wet.

Technical: Sound, use of mics (Groupwork)

Testing the differences between a microphone being on , off and enhanced

Microphone off
  • Sound quality is decent indoors, all audio and the music played from the phone is heard
  • Sound quality outside is more noticeable that's there is no microphone as  we can hear background noise such as wind and other things such as people in the background
  • The music played from the phone cannot be heard well outside
Microphone on
  • Sound quality indoors is more noticeable that the audio is slightly clearer
  • Sound quality outside is much clearer and is more noticeable that the microphone is turned on as we cannot hear as much background noise such as wind and other things such as people in the background
  • The music played on the phone can now be heard outside
Microphone enhanced
  • Sound audio both indoors and outside is much clearer and things that can really be heard such as footsteps are more louder and noticeable
  • The music played from the phone is much more noticeable and much louder

Saturday 18 February 2017

Planning: Original logo ideas created (Groupwork)

Production logo idea number 1 by keiley:
KVA productions is our possible production company name which consists of our initials being used to create a name the initials are from our names  Keiley, Vince, Anderson & Anna

Production logo idea number 2 by Anna:
This logo contains more darker and subtle colours which would work well with the thriller opening as we will use darker natural light meaning we wouldn't want it to stand out & contrast too much it has media elements into it so people would know that our business is linked with media..

Production logo idea number 3 by Vince:
The colours used are darker which suit the theme of a thriller, there's a film reel in the logo suggesting our work being based on a media product

Production logo idea number 4 by Anderson:

Distributor design number 1 by Anna:
This design for a distribution company can have a name like 'Perspective entertainment' which is why there is a mountain as its in perspective & the colours are not to bright, these colours were chosen because most distribution companies have blue in them so we thought to base ours blue too.

Distributor design number 2 by Keiley:

this logo above is a distribution company name which we have created which would be added to our thriller opening as we have noticed that there is more than one logo needed as blockbuster thrillers consist of more than one distribution company
Distributor design number 3 by Vince:
Distributor design number 4 by Anderson:

Friday 17 February 2017

Planning: Logos of Production companies (Anna)

Image result for 20th century fox

Image result for mgm gif

Image result for lionsgate gif

Image result for WB gif

Related image

Image result for universal studios gif

Individual logo created by me:
 These were created on an app which gives you shapes  to choose from so i created these two designs