Tuesday 3 January 2017

Research Thriller Opening Analysis (Anderson)

Inception movie opening 

  • The man in the military uniform pokes the protagonist with the end of his gun through a medium close-up, which shows his authority. 
  • The low lighting with a huge table in the middle shows that whoever owns the house is of a higher class than the protagonist. 

  • The film opens with a pan shot of the sea, this is also an establishing shot showing the audience the location in which the scene is set. 
  • It starts with an extreme close up on the protagonists face showing him to be confused and tired.
  • A low angle shot is used to show to the audience that the soldier has a higher status and is powerful. 
  • The use of a pull focus is used here, this is used so the audience look at the protagonist and then are made to look at the villain.
  • This extreme wide shot is also an establishing shot which gives the audience a better insight into where the scene has been set.

  • The film starts with dramatic, strong bassed music which builds tension and confusion for the viewers, the use of non-diagetic sound is used in the background to help set the scene.
  • The diagetic sound of the rough waves crashing against the rocks also helps sets the scene, this fades when the camera cuts to the protagonist lying face down on the shore.
  • The diagetic sound of the muffled children's laughter is also heard, which backs up the idea of an hallucination or a dream like state
  • The sound of the beach is no longer heard and the location is also a mystery to the audience which drags them further into the storyline. 

  • There is a quick cut and the camera focuses on a young boy, the camera then blurs and goes out of focus then returns into focus which represents the protagonists eyes focusing, just like how they do when you just wake up.
  • The use of continuity editing makes it seem as if being in real time and causes us to feel as if we are a part of the film

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