Sunday 1 January 2017

Research: Film Openings (9 Frame title sequence analysis) (Vince Santillan)

Deadpool (Tim Miller, 2016)

What conclusions can you draw about film openings from this work, and that completed in groups previously?

  • There were only 16 credits within the opening sequence of Deadpool which is quite low as there were no stars credited in within the 16 credits.
  • The song is “Angel of the Morning”. The song is a very old, it came out in the 90s and it contrasts the action which is happening within the opening as it is very slow paced whereas, even though it is still image, a lot of action is happening at the start.
  • The opening sequence ends with a child's drawing of Deadpool cutting a person's head off, this contrasts the stereotype of a children's drawing as a very violent scene is depicted, this is used to set a comedic and non serious tone.
  • As it ends, it zooms out to a vista shot and reveals a car exploding/crashing. This shows that it will be an action film. Along with credits saying "Directed by An Overpaid Tool", this also alludes that it is a comedy since there is satire credits.

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