Sunday 1 January 2017

Research:Film Openings (9 Frames title sequence analysis) (Keiley Dutton)

research: film opening- institutional 

CREED(2015, ran coogler):

The title of the movie "creed" at the start was dirty and warn away which showed that at the beguining of the movie creed the boxer is at his lowest point. This is also made clear as we see him as a child with blood and nurses all over his face. However at the end of the clip the title still has cracks in it maybe showing he is not complete with his ambitions in life but it is still better then before showing he has improved in life. Together with this we see at the end that he is a grown man, built and strong ready to fight with no bruises or blood unlike before.  in the clip there are 17 titles, which all contain the main names of people who help to make produce and distribute the film. also there is the names of the main character as with this being a hollywood blockbuster movie, it has some largely known stars.  There are a number of different still images used through the clip with the titles on top of the images  slowly getting bigger creating a 3D effect, showing a growth of the power of the character they are naming.  In the clip we see the title twice; once at the start and once at the end ; showing that the producers want it to stick in your mind.  The soundtrack( audio line) is shown with one song played from a slow piano at the start then it builds up gradually adding in guitar and a modern beat to make it appealing to young demographics. The audio builds up nearer to the end with vocals being joined in when the woman is shown which highlights her being the singer and empowering the main character as it  intensified when the still of them together is shown.

ELF(2003, Jon Favreau)

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