Monday 24 October 2016

TECHNICAL:Practical Production:1 Minute Film (Anderson)

Short film analysis 
Script making- Everyone helped to think of our script
Storyboard-we used this to help plan out what our film should look like
Location planning
Script read-through with cast- we practiced the lines so we know what is happening during the real recording
Special effects preparation - during the shooting scene, our actor pretended to get shot knowing we will add effects after
Prop preparation- Bag/money


Camera man

Post- production
Editing: we added black bars to give our film a more cinematic look
Sound effects- we added gun shots
Colour grading- we darkened the shadows slightly and increased the contrast very slightly
Cutaways- we cut off parts of certain clips to
Soundtrack- we added songs that helped suit an atmosphere when needed eg music that builds suspense and action music

EBI? What have you learnt?

More time is needed to make everything more perfect and to redo certain scenes if needed
It is important to know how to use the camera for the film to look better eg certain parts not in focus properly
The sound was very windy at the start and characters audio wasn't clear so to help with this a microphone which is quite windproof would be needed. However if this is something that cant be used changing the location to somewhere such as indoors could also be another option.

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