Monday 24 October 2016

TECHNICAL:Practical Production:1 Minute Film (Vince)

T H E  H E I S T


  • We thought about what genre we should do
  • We brainstormed different concepts we could do for the one minute film
  • Thought about different characters and the roles of those characters
  • Assigned people to play the roles of the characters
  • We wrote a short script 
  • We thought of location and settings
  • Planned out which angle to film at on each scene
  • We made a storyboard


  • We used different techniques of filming e.g. handheld camera shots, track shots, shots focusing on a stunt
  • We had one actor do a stunt 
  • Improvisation 
  • Adapting planned story line to scenery


  • Editing sound effects
  • Managing scene transitions
  • Fitting scenes together
  • Trimming scenes
  • Creating credits


Our group created a very good concept at the beginning for a film so we just worked from that, gave it a few tweaks and added a few bits so we could do it in school. Additionally, during pre-production, we were assigning roles to each other (actors, filming etc.), we managed to do this very easily due to everyone being very co operative. Filming went smoothly and as planned and the stunts were done correctly with no injuries.


I think if we spent a little more time planning out lines and scenery, some parts of the the production would be much more refined and overall would turn out better. Also, during filming we misplaced our tripod in vision of the camera and when we noticed it, it was too late. If we cleared the area of filming before, it would've been better.

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