Monday 24 October 2016

TECHNICAL:Practical Production:1 Minute Film (Anna)

Short film- Spy Mission

This is our tryout of using the cameras and the editing software, we have called this short clip 'Spy mission'

You can guess the genre from the title which which is about spies meaning thriller and more action based film similar to James bond.

  • We had written down all the possible genres we could do in our school area, we excluded romance or horror as we don't have appropriate location for it we also agreed on not including comedy as we would have to come up with a funny script which would be hard with the time we had given.
  • We thought of the Genre: thriller/action
  • We focused on who is going to act and who is the cinematographer
  • The location was discussed which made us choose if the genre works with the setting
  • The character names were discussed and then we selected who plays what role
  • We created a story board so that we knew after filming how to order our film scenes.
  • We had included all the camera angles and discussed what angles should we use for what scene such as close ups, zooming out, shoulder point of view and first person point of view.
  • We searched for props such as tissue paper and a computer which were needed for our scenes
  • We gathered equipment such as cameras, tripod and SD card
  • Finley had gotten permission to film and use the music room
  • We have chosen to use various scenes to film, we filmed all the scenes we needed in one location and then moved on to other to save time
  •  We had made double takes of the scenes in case the first one wasn't good enough
  • We had chosen and used a variety of camera angles so each scene is different such as when running up the stairs we had used the cinematographer to run behind her to make the scene more dramatic and realistic, we had close ups such as the one on the villains face to emphasise that hes not a joke and to show that he's serious unlike if it was a full body shot.
  • We used props such as a cloth to show the realism and make it more believable
  •  The camera was mostly hand held due to all the action, we had the camera follow the main character to show the drama and thrill to make the audience feel like they are there in the film, it engages them into the film.
    Image result for final cut pro
  • We used final cut pro to edit our scenes, we added sound effects of punching, heart beat at the start of our film which created realism and added suspense.
  • We removed scenes which didn't portray what we wanted.
  • We edited out some scenes due to the sound on them such as footsteps or laughter which was picked up by the camera in the scenes which we had to crop out.
  • We posted it on Youtube so that we could have others to see it and have reviews.
As a group we worked well, we had agreed on a genre, we had all participated in ideas. We created our own characters which we agreed on and changed it our self for it to match the movie. 

we had worked as a team however it felt quite one sided we had ideas but some were not approved due to laziness of redoing scenes and having to go to the locations.
our editing skills were quite lazy, we had added a funny comment at the end of the film to make the audience laugh even though our film was a action film and not comedy.
could have had more scenes which were more properly edited however it was our first time doing the editing and filming so we did have fun with it.

we have learnt many new techniques such as how to use camera and the settings it has such as, the tripod being used for stationary scenes, the zoom ins and outs, the hand held camera uses and the first person view for the camera.
we also have learnt how to use the editing software such as adding in sound effects, visual effects and cropping and moving the scenes in addition removing the audio from the scene and adding a dialogue voice over or narration.

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