Wednesday 15 March 2017

Thriller The Last Call: Rough cut & feedback

Rough cut of our thriller its only the opening secounds
->We got good feedback such as we had been applauded for the use of camera angles especially the ones for the arresting scene as it showed continuity editing of the arrest
-> the mise en scene was used well though costume as it looked real due to the police outfit and setting of a car park
-> The zoom in on the picture was smooth and continous, it flowed onto another scene and the editing of the blur and zoom made the film look like a flashback
-> editing of the colour/ Gradient made it look as if it was a flashback which is what we wanted to portray
-> eventhough this is half of the film its good but the other may no so we should work on our deadlines to have enough to show our class and get full feedback on whole film
-> this is just a rough cut but we needed to include credits, and titles which we will and we heard that the credits should be big for the main e,g. director screen writer and actors font size should be smaller which we will include

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