Monday 13 March 2017

Construction Post:Behind The Scenes(Groupwork)

Behind The Scenes Filming Day:

We had chosen to film at night however we were prepared for it as we had lights and have chosen to film under street lights to create a more naturalistic look. we were recording on the pavement but we still had Vince to look out for cars

This is a scene is from the flashback and it shows how we used a low angle to film he reaction and facial expression of the person being captured. we had used angle from the side of car to get the perspective of the person being captured
This clip shows our different use of shots and angles which we experimented with such as a long shot to show the different perspectives as if we were a civilian viewing the arrest this gives the impact of a third person viewing which could be the point of view of the Detective.
This clip is of us choosing a shot from inside the car to show the transition of the person getting arrested and in the car. Such shot is key as it shows the emotions of the arrested guy as he would be worried, confused and angry 

The videos above are of us filming on different days and in different locations

<---This is of us trying to set up the dolly and trying it out on the pavement to see if the pavement is suitable enough to film a smooth shot

This is our maketing poster we have created we had taken a photo of our actor and had now implemented the font and title ---->

 <---- This is of us trying to get our timings right when keiley should leave the house to start  being in role

This is the angle we tried to film from but the sun was in the way which created a shadow from our tripod and person behind the camera

so we had to use our brains and we stopped the shadow with a bag which was big enough to distort the shadow and make it look natural.

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