Saturday 3 December 2016

Preliminary task & Evaluation (Keiley)

4 & 5. Preliminary task & Evaluation

In this task, we where put into groups and given a set of principles that we had to for fill in a short film. There where three key aspects we needed to include, these were:
  • shot reverse shot - one character is shown looking at another character (often off-screen), and then the other character is shown looking back at the first character.
  • match on action - the editor cuts from one shot to another view that matches the first shot's action. The example we used is a me walking up to a door and reaching for the knob.
  • 180 degree rule - guideline regarding the on-screen spatial relationship between a character and another character or object within a scene.
Our Preliminary task contained all four sets of actions which were :
1) Exchanging two sentences of conversation.
2) Walking across a room. 
3) Opening a door. 
4) Sitting down

We as a group came up with a lot of different ideas however the final idea we came up with was that there was a girl in school who was being stalked by someone else however her friends would not believe her. She tries to tell them about it and they ignore her telling her to shut up. Eventually at the end they see him and he asks her out, sadly she says no as she is to creaped out that she was being followed by him. 


Shot reverse shot - 
We used this in out short film when i as the girl being stalked was talking to my friends about my stalkers. we felt this was a good time to put it in as it makes it more realistic  as it feels like the audience is really talking to the other character. As well as this, the conversation wouldn't be as boring due to the different perspective in alternative to just looking at the characters. 

Match on action -

We used this in our short film when i walked through the door (on of the key components that we had to include) As a group we felt this was effective as it created verisimilitude to the film as it looks as if the event is happening in real time and it would feel like the audience is part of the film.

180 degree rule - 
We used this in our short film when i was walking through the school to the toilets. We used this here specifically  however this was relevant though out the whole short film as if we ever went over the 180 degre line then it would change the whole perspective making it very unrealistic and might even confuse the audinece watching. 

Audience Response to preliminary:

  • Soundtrack: the editing of the song into the audio line 'she's so lovely' this gives the film narrative as it works with the story line of the boy wanting to ask the girl out.
  • The audio of the characters speaking is loud enough and the music fades out on certain parts of the film where the dialogue starts.
  • The camera angle and tracking shots are clean giving the effect of match on action as it doesn't have jump cuts. Camera was in focus which gave the effect of a modern film and allows the camera to capture facial expressions.
  • Some shots with the camera are shaky which could have been resolved with a tripod to create a smooth shot.
  • If we had more time we should have done more shots at different angles so that when we got to editing we would have more shots to chose from to match the previous scenes.
  • Our editing of the clips together could have been more smoother as we had some dialogue problems where the dialogue cuts half of the sentence and goes straight to the response of the other character which reduces the continuity editing.

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