Saturday 3 December 2016

Preliminary task & Evaluation (Anna)

Preliminary task:

With the production of the film we had to  follow guidelines and include:
  • Continuity editing,
  • Match on action,
  • 180 degree rule,
  • Shot reverse shot,
  • Include a conversation,
  • Opening door and going through it. 

Idea and plan:
With this task we haven't had enough time to plan a storyboard but we did brainstorm an idea on what it would be based on. our one minute film was based on a girl being followed and stalked by a boy who is in love with her, we chose to add more humour rather than seriousness as we wanted to experiment with a different genre additionally it would have improved the narrative of the story as the boy was stalking her because he wanted to aske her out and was too scared to talk to her.

Match on action:
We used two shots and edited them together to create the effect of continuity editing this allowed us to increase the effect of match on action.
Person walking through the door included the technique of Match on Action. This technique would have added verisimilitude to the film as it looks as if the event is happening in real time and it would feel like the audience is part of the film.

Shot reverse shot:
This technique was used to capture both reactions of the people which makes the narrative more clear as we can witness their emotions and reactions  based on what the previous person had said. it allows us to see both sides of the conversation and makes the audience feel like they are part of the conversation. These shots were filmed twice and merged into one with editing.

180 degree rule:
The 180° rule is when the camera cannot pass a invisible line which is from the left to the right of the character (180°) if the cinematographer passes through it, it changes the perspective of the film and makes the film change angle. If it crosses the line it reverses the angle.

Audience Response to preliminary:
  • Soundtrack: the editing of the song into the audio line 'she's so lovely' this gives the film narrative as it works with the story line of the boy wanting to ask the girl out.
  • The audio of the characters speaking is loud enough and the music fades out on certain parts of the film where the dialogue starts.
  • The camera angle and tracking shots are clean giving the effect of match on action as it doesn't have jump cuts. Camera was in focus which gave the effect of a modern film and allows the camera to capture facial expressions.
  • Some shots with the camera are shaky which could have been resolved with a tripod to create a smooth shot.
  • If we had more time we should have done more shots at different angles so that when we got to editing we would have more shots to chose from to match the previous scenes.
  • Our editing of the clips together could have been more smoother as we had some dialogue problems where the dialogue cuts half of the sentence and goes straight to the response of the other character which reduces the continuity editing.

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